Wednesday 6 November 2013

Dark Romance - October Glossybox Review

I've been so MIA these past few weeks! Alas, I have returned with a review on the October Glossybox, the box that has caused fury and disappointment amongst the (b)blogging society. At first I was pretty content with my box, wondering what everyone was complaining about. But after putting these items to the test I can see where it all went wrong...

I was most excited about this press on manicure set when I opened the box. I thought it would save SO much time doing my nails... I was wrong. As easy as these are to apply, once they go on I looked like something you see on Snog, Marry, Avoid.... NOT attractive. I could barely pick up my nail clippers because they were so long. It is just not practical to wear nails that long! It took me about 2 hours, fiddling around with my huge nails, to trim and file them down to a decent size. At one point I cut a nail too short, so I went through the box to find another one, which made me realise, within a box of 24 nails, only 10 fitted me. The rest were unusable. That's more than half the box that goes unused. More than half of your money is wasted! The nails lasted half a day too (excluding the time I spent asleep) and all I do at work is type. Nothing strenuous at all! For £8.99 this is a complete rip off.

Would I buy this product? Not at all.

I'm pretty new to trying to beauty products, so when I saw this I thought it was just another hair serum (which it isn't!)! I didn't realise you could get serums for your face. It confused me a little, as I wasn't sure if it was the same as a moisturiser, or if I am supposed to use it with moisturiser. I decided to use it before moisturiser, after getting mixed ideas on when and how to use it!
This product worked nicely on my face, it's just a shame there wasn't much of it! As the weather gets chillier, my skin suffers big time. I need to moisturise heavily to stop my skin drying up and cracking and this product did the trick, especially when I used moisturiser too. It kept my skin fully hydrated for hours and gave me a nice healthy glow. It had a light citrus cent that lasted, but wasn't too overwhelming. For £22.50 for the full sized product I don't think it's bad at all.

Would I buy this product? Yes!

I have never heard of Monu before, but after Googling reviews I heard good things about them. I received a primer so I thought I couldn't go wrong! For the first few times I mixed this primer with moisturiser, then applied BB Cream. This worked fabulously and my makeup stayed put all day. However, when I tried to use it with foundation it was a whole different story! I was at work when my face became irritated and heavy, so I got some wet wipes at lunch to remove my makeup. I tried it again in the evening and it seemed that, when mixed with a normal foundation (I used Rimmel Stay Matte Mousse) it made my skin heavy, blotchy and itchy. Never again. I wouldn't buy this for £25 unfortunately. Unless I wear BB Cream, I'm sticking with my Benefit PORE-Fessional...

Would I buy this product? No.

I was excited about using this as I always have problems keeping the colour on my lips! I tried this as soon as I got my box, but it was horrible to use! The brushes were all stuck together, which contributed to the difficulty of applying this. The main reason I found it difficult to apply was because it tickled my lips SO much that it was uncomfortable. The applicator was nowhere near firm enough to brush on. After about 10 minutes of laughing (and trying not to scratch my ticklish lips) it looked quite nice, and the colour stayed put for a few hours, even when my lipstick rubbed off. Please MeMeMe change the brush to something else, I would actually buy it then!
I didn't use this on my cheeks because I figured if it's difficult to get on my lips how the heck am I going to get it nicely on my cheeks? Even when I closed the bottle it leaked absolutely everywhere and stained my hands for a few hours, I wasn't risking getting that all over my face!

Would I buy this again? Change the packaging and applicator then I would!

LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE! I usually hate perfume vials and before I received this in the post I changed my preferences (after this was shipped luckily) but I am obsessed with this fragrance! I'm usually picky with the celebrity fragrances I wear (I only really like Taylor Swift and Hilary Duff perfumes) so this is another one I will add to my collection. I've asked for the gift set from Boots for Christmas as the "only present I really want". It's such a fun, fruity yet sexy fragrance, and it really does make you feel like a (killer) Queen wearing it. If you haven't tried it, get yourself to your local fragrance shop!

Would I buy this again? YES YES YES

I'm a little annoyed by the theme this month being Dark Romance and there literally being one item in the box that's dark... hopefully next month's theme is more relevant!

What did you get in your October Glossybox? Did you enjoy it?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I was definitely underwhelmed by the 'Dark Romance' box - this month is definitely the last one I'm ever getting!! I wanted the ImPress nails but after reading this review, I'm glad I didn't! Thank you for sharing xx

    EmmaBelleFashion | Twitter

    1. I was so disappointed with them. They were going to make or break the box!! Giving two more boxes a go and that's it! xx


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