Sunday 8 December 2013

Enummi Skincare 3 Day Challenge *

Last month I contacted the lovely Heather from Enummi via Twitter to enquire about receiving some samples from the Enummi range. She kindly sent me a three day challenge (with free postage from Canada!) for me to try! Enummi is a natural skin care brand made from only the purest ingredients. Not only that, but a large amount of profits go towards their foundation, Foundation 4Life which builds and supports orphanages for abandoned children with AIDs. So you look good and feel good, that's something I really look for in a brand. So how did my 3 day challenge go...

This facial cleanser does what it says on the tin. It's gentle, yet effective! I massaged this into my skin as directed and  immediately my skin felt fresh and clean. It amazingly made my skin feel as if I had just used an exfoliant, but it did not include exfoliating ingredients. During and after the challege, I noticed my spots had significantly decreased and I was free from blackheads. Amazing!

I used this toner about 5 minutes after using the cleanser, using a cotton ball so I could reach every inch of my face, and so I didn't waste any product (it was very watery!) It worked great; my skin felt smoother and fuller in minutes.

My favourite out of the six products! I've not used many serums before so I've never been too sure on what the results are supposed to be like as each of the ones I have used did different things. This one did not follow the previous patterns of making my skin oily, dry, heavy and sore. This glided onto my skin in a soft, delicate manner (I know that sounds silly but it was like heaven!) and within seconds it was dry. If I touched my skin afterwards it felt INCREDIBLE. It was the perfect texture and neither oily nor dry. It also smelt divine! When I invest in a serum in the new year, it will be this one!

I really enjoyed using this product, especially as I was not wearing any make up over the 3 day course. It made my skin hydrated and soft, but it didn't make my skin look oily! I liked the way that it made my skin look healthy and glowing, it completely hid the fact that I was barely sleeping! The product contains SPF 15 too, which in this weather wouldn't make a huge difference, but it would be very useful when it starts getting sunnier!

I applied this at night to help rid me of the big purple bags under my eyes ready for the next day. With my messed up sleep pattern I've found it difficult to hide my bags under make up. With this eye cream, my eyes looked more awake, less puffy and much lighter in colour. I didn't look dead! This is a fabulous product and another one I will invest in later on!

This was a product even my boyfriend enjoyed! I applied this after the eye cream, just before I slept and each morning I woke up with plump, soft, clear skin. So did the boyfriend! My skin felt moisturised, but not oily. Perfect, especially in this cold weather when my skin gets really dry!

Overall I am so happy with the results of my 3 day challenge. These gentle products really helped to revive me skin from it's winter state and made me look and feel healthy. I definitely recommend trying these products as they are definitely worth the hype.

Visit Heather's website here or contact her on Twitter here for more information on the products and how to buy!

1 comment

  1. Hi Jade,

    thank you for following Katinka via Bloglovin'! I love your blog, so I'll return it. :)

    Katharina from Katinka & don't miss the Christmas giveaway! :)


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