Friday 4 September 2015

Birthday Wishlist

1. New Look Bag - £24.99
2. Urban Decay Smoky Palette - £38
3. Pandora September Birthstone Ring - £40
4. Go Set a Wachaman by Harper Lee - £9
5. L'occitaine Immortelle Precious Cream - £46 
6. Public Desire Jayda Lace Up Heels - £29.99

My birthday is coming up so obviously I've been busy thinking about what I'd like to ask for. I got a bit stuck to be honest. I usually treat myself and buy myself what I want throughout the year so there's not much I want/need.

I love this cute little bag from New Look. Most of my bags are New Look and are such great quality. I love these colours too!

Obviously the new Urban Decay Smoky Palette is on my list. Everyone I follow on Instagram seems to have it and I want it too! I only own Naked 3 which is a beautiful palette, but I do love a smokey eye.

This Pandora ring is beautiful right? My sister has two of these rings and I absolutely adore them, so she's actually bought me one of my own! I only know because I had to get it sized when she bought it, whoops! But I can't have it until my birthday *big sigh*. I can't wait to wear it every day!

I'm currently reading To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee which is a classic. I wasn't fortunate enough to read it in school (we read Of Mice and Men instead, great book!). I really like the sound of Go Set A Watchman. I think it's cool that it's being released as a sequel so long after To Kill a Mockingbird was released. I'm hoping that I enjoy both books. Considering how well both books have done on the market, I'm sure I won't be disappointed.

I'm not going to ask for this one, it's way too expensive! But maybe if I get any birthday money I'll buy it myself! I tried this face cream around 6 months ago and have been dreaming about it ever since. It smells amazing and made my skin so clear. Every time I walk past L'occitaine in Bluewater it takes every bit of strength to not buy this! It is such a dream product! Birthday present to myself, perhaps?

PublicDesire followed me on Instagram so I checked out their website. I fell in love with these Jayda Lace Up Heels (not just because of the name!). Although I'm lusting over them, I'd have nowhere to wear them to, or wear them with. But they are just gorgeous though aren't they?!

My birthday's on the 29th and I'm going to be 22 which isn't a huge milestone. I have nothing special planned other than a day in my pyjamas drinking wine like the grown up I am.

Boy. I'm getting old.


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